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General Form Settings
General Form Settings
Andrew Liebelt avatar
Written by Andrew Liebelt
Updated over 2 years ago

Whether you're in a SeamlessDoc or WebForm, there are General Settings that both of these builders share which you can customize to better fit your organization's needs. 

Enter Form Name
This field allows you to change the name of your form. While all WebForms that are created are all titled Untitled Form, your converted SeamlessDocs will be named based off their PDF file name. Renaming your Doc or WebForm allows you to pick a name that will make sense to you and your internal GovOS Studio users. This name will not be shown on the live view of the form, however it is visible on the title tag of your live form. You can also change your form name by directly clicking on the name while in the editor. 

Customize Your Form Alias
This changes the name after the /f/ in your form's URL, as shown in the gif. We recommend creating a name that can be easily typed in by your users. You can also customize your form alias by going to File and selecting Customize URL from the drop-down menu. 

Form ID
This ID is unique to each form and cannot be edited. If you're in the editor of a WebForm, you can actually spot this Form ID at the end of the URL. 

Disabled Form Storage
Turning on this setting means that GovOS Studio will no longer collect the submission data from your form and store them in your account. Should you turn this setting on, make sure that you have set up an integration where your submissions and their data are being collected. Additionally, if your form has a workflow then later signers will not be able to see the data entered since it is not being stored in our system.

Form Expiration Date  
By setting an expiration date and time on your form, your users will no longer be able to submit your form. When they arrive at your expired form, they will get this message: 

Password Protect
To add an extra layer of security to your forms, you can enable a password to it so that only the people with the password can complete the form. 

Limit Submissions
This setting behaves similarly to form expiration date because it also will not accept any submissions past the number set. 

Customize Your File Saved Name
You can rename the PDF that is created upon submission by either mapping a field or creating your own name.

Then, when the file is created you will see the name that was either entered in the mapped field or that you created. There will still be a series of random numbers and letters after your custom file name. 

There are also a few settings that are only available when converting a SeamlessDoc. This is because these settings relate to the PDF that is converted. 

Disable "Download Original"
This setting allows you to turn off an option for your users to download the PDF that you've used to create your SeamlessDoc. This setting is automatically set to No. 

Disable Quick Tools
This setting lets your users to add their own fields to your SeamlessDoc, such as text field, check box, signature, and initials. Disable Quick Tools is automatically set to Yes when you convert your PDF. 

Allow Print to Complete
This setting enables users to print their PDF without having to submit it online and is also automatically set to Yes. 

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