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Fee Types

This article covers the various types of fees you can use for collecting payments

Andrew Liebelt avatar
Written by Andrew Liebelt
Updated over 4 years ago

Once you have this turned on Convenience Fees you will have the option to choose from a series of types of Convenience Fees depending on how you would like the fee to be calculated:

Percentage - This will be a percentage of the total that you are charging them before they pay.

Set Fee - This will be a static fee in a dollar amount set by you that will stay the same for each payment.

Percentage + Set Fee - This allows you to combine the previous options to line up more closely with what you need to collect for processing.

Percentage and Minimum Fee - This would allow you to establish a minimum fee that must be charged even the percentage of the original total goes below that threshold.

Advanced - This will allow you to request a custom Convenience Fee depending on your Payment Processor and will ask you to send a message with details of the request to our team to review.

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