There are some cases where you would like to have a form available to citizens or staff online however you don't want the form to actually be submitted.Β
A few great use cases are:
-You are legally required to provide a fillable version of the form online, but legally cannot accept the submission online.
-You want a form to be available but you're not allowed to accept an e-signature on the form yet due to a regulation or internal policy.
-You would like to have a 'worksheet' for a form where users can leverage our calculations to determine how much a potential fee or tax might be.
-You want users to be able to fill out a form online but instead of submitting they can save a copy and submit it in person or through another means
We've now added the ability for you to remove the Submit button in those cases!
To do this you will log-in to edit the form and then go to Settings --> General.
You will scroll down until you see the option to Hide Submit Button:
Then after it has been turned on you will see the Submit button removed from the form:
NOTE: You will still have the ability to Print Without Submitting so that the end user could fill out the entire form and save a copy without submitting it. You can also disable this option within the same Settings area.