Helpful Custom CSS Definitions
Custom Cascading Style Sheets (Custom CSS)- Used to format the layout of a webpage. This allows you to customize color, font, size of text spacing between elements, what background images or background colors to be used-just to name a few- on your SeamlessDoc. Custom CSS can be added in 3 different ways; Inline, Internal, External. On our GovOS Studio platform, you will always use Inline CSS.
Inline CSS- This type of CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTML element. Inline CSS uses the style attribute of an HTML element. What does this mean? You will include style to signify that you want to customize color, font, size of text, etc.
Where/how can you use Custom CSS?
You can use Custom CSS codes by adding them to the Custom CSS box under the Custom Form Styling settings in your SeamlessDoc editor:
For example, you change the color of the submit button from blue to orange by using this Custom CSS code: .action_button.primary { background-color: #FFA41C !important; }
Your applicants would then see the orange Submit & Sign button in the Live View of your form instead of a blue one: