Our GovOS Studio Customer Service Request Form will ask you a series of questions pertaining to Azure AD Active Directory setup. Before filling out the form, please review the items that will be requested below:
Provide Contact Information Who should we contact for the Azure AD Active Directory setup?
Microsoft Azure AD Domain Can obtain by accessing Azure AD account and copying the Primary domain field found in the Overview defaulted page
Ex: your-waad-domain.com
Domain Aliases Only if you have other email domains
Are you using a Multi-tenant application in Azure AD? (yes/no)
If yes, please use "https://login.windows.net/common" instead of default endpoint (https://login.windows.net/{your_domain})
Protocol being used (select one of the two options) (setting in Azure)
OpenID Connect- authentication protocol built on top of OAuth 2.0 that can be used for secure user sign-in
App ID URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) used to identify both partner network addresses and configuration objects - (This is optional)
Identity API (select one of the two options)
V1- Azure Active Directory Endpoints
V2- Microsoft Identity Platform Endpoints
Provide Client ID & Client Secret