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How to Create Sites Within Your Portals
Andrew Liebelt avatar
Written by Andrew Liebelt
Updated over a week ago

A Portals site allows you to create a customized site for your departmental or internal use. For example, you could create a Portal specifically for HR purposes that only houses your HR related forms.

Note: Only Owners can create new sites

To set up sites in your Portals: 

  1. Click on Company in the top right and then GRM Settings

2. Once in the GRM Settings you will be taken to the Sites manager where you can create new sites:

3. Once in the Sites tab, you can create your own site. When you select Create Site, a pop-up window will appear prompting you to choose a name for your sector to create a new site. Keep in mind that this name will be added in your URL. So if you choose to name your sector "humanresources", your URL will be "" (replacing yourgovernment with your account subdomain)

To control the settings of the sites:

1. You will click on Portals in the top left which will take you to the Portals Manager where you can edit all of your portals and you will see a drop down menu in the top right that you can choose which site you would like to edit:

From there you can Customize your Portal Pages just like you would your main portal.

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