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Elements Unique to SeamlessDocs
Elements Unique to SeamlessDocs

Elements Unique to SeamlessDocs

Andrew Liebelt avatar
Written by Andrew Liebelt
Updated over a week ago

General Elements

Add Text- If you want to add text to your form, drag this where you want it to go and start typing.

Text Field- This creates a field that will hold some type of text, e.g. a name, number, address. etc. Ability to use field validation and encryption features

Add Check- Add a check is a static checkbox that is automatically checked and not able to toggled off. Usually used with Add Text element

Checkbox- Add a Checkbox to allow your form fillers to select one or multiple options (e.g., a "Choose all that apply" field). Usually used with Text Field element

Radio Button- Similar to Checkboxes except the end-user will only be able to choose one option rather than checking multiple options. Radio buttons must be set up in a group.

Signature- Applies the eSignature of a Signer implying written consent and recording technical information of the time and hardware used

Signature Initials- Prints the initials of the signer.

Date Signed- Stamps the date of when the associated signature is applied

Signer Full Name- Prints the full name of the associated signer

Specialty Elements

Select Menu- Use this element to add a drop-down menu for multiple options. Think of it like a radio button (the submitter can select one option of many) except now the options will appear in a drop down menu.

Image- Use this feature to add a logo or picture to your SeamlessDoc.

Whiteout- Whiteout will cover text with white space.

Redact- Redact will cover text with black space. This is useful for showing that information has been censored.

Receipt Number- Use this to add a unique tag to each submission. This allows you to track each submission with a unique identifier.

Link- You can add a link to another webpage onto your SeamlessDoc.

Date Picker- This creates a field which allows the submitter to choose a date on a calendar rather than typing one in.

Existing Field- This creates an element where the contents of another field will be duplicated automatically upon completion (e.g., if there are multiple places in your SeamlessDoc where their full name is necessary).

File Elements

Download Original- Download the original uploaded form (will not include any of the added features from SeamlessDocs)

Update Source PDF- Allows you to change the original PDF of your SeamlessDoc. This is perfect if any changes are made to the PDF, so that you can update your SeamlessDoc to reflect these changes, while still maintaining all of your fields. Currently opens a window with a list of Warnings before continuing that include: Your page count must match., All pages are replaced., Field positions are left untouched., Source pdf is updated to new and will be available for field detection if doc doesn’t have mapped fields. After clicking continue, a new window opens up allowing you to access your various share options that include file upload from your device (computer), uploading by adding a Link (URL), or file upload via Box, DropBox, Gmail, and Google Drive.

Settings Elements

Cover Letter- Opens a window where you can toggle on the option to Enable a Cover Letter for the doc. This opens up a text box where you can type in your message. You also have the option of including an acknowledgement box by clicking the checkbox and can even customize that message.

Update Tab Order- Opens a new window on the right hand side where you can drag and reorder the tabs to your choosing.

View Elements

View as Preparer- Redirects you to the Live View of the Form but with the perspective of the preparer (person who will fill in necessary fields before users can sign) You will use the link in Prepare mode to send to the preparer.

Add On Elements

Auto-Detect Fields- This feature will not only add fields to your form for you, but it will resize them and also label them for you.

Enable Wizard- A method to combine a SeamlessDoc and a Web Form so that the first signer will have the experience of a web form but then subsequent signers will see the uploaded PDF form. Original PDF is populated with the information the user inputs into a webform.

Import from Data Source- Opens a new window to a form where you can request SD to import data from another source (Ex: Salesforce or Amazon plug in). Not currently used. We refer users to Seamless Connect.

Add Request Attachment- Element that allows your signers to attach additional documentation (photo ID, site plans, resumes, etc.) to be submitted along with the form.

Ask a Question- Gives applicants the ability to send an email to ask a question.

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